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Charitable Activities

Sai Vilayatrai Charitable Trust, Mumbai a non profit & charitable organization grants educational

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Q: Gurudev, success to this world means money, power and fame. How does one know if we are successful? Is there any measure?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
To me, the sign of success is a smile. The number of smiles that one has in their day-to-day life indicates how successful one is.

To me, the sign of
success is a smile. The
number of smiles that
one has in their
day-to-day life indicates
how successful one is.

You may have a big bank balance, a lot of money. But, if you can't smile, if you are tensed, upset and angry, would you call such a person successful?
Someone who is unfriendly, tensed, worried, can't sleep, can't even eat because of cholesterol, diabetes; would you call him a successful person?
Often, people spend half of their health to gain their wealth. Then they spend half their wealth, to gain back their health (which does not come). This is not a sign of success. To me, a sign of success is confidence. Even if you lose everything, if you have confidence, then you can recreate everything again, and that is success.

There are ample of examples. There are businessmen, who rose to the top, and with one uncalculated movement, they lost it all. They came way down, and still, they built their businesses again.
You can see this in the Sindhi community; they were living in Karachi with such comforts. Similarly, the Kashmiri pundits in the valley had huge bungalows, apple gardens, saffron gardens; suddenly, they had to leave everything.
The same with the Asian migrants from Uganda, they had nothing when they left the country. Generations together lived in Uganda, and owned big factories. One fine morning, they had to leave the country with one suitcase.

I met a Gujarati gentleman in London. This man had a huge television factory, about 15 to 20 years ago, in Uganda. He had many Rolls Royce cars, and lived a very comfortable life. One morning, the Asians were asked to leave the country. With just one suitcase, they arrived in London, as refugees. This man and his wife, in their fifties, were selling hot dogs on the streets. He said, 'Gurudev, we have never worked so hard.' Look at this!
Now this successful businessman rose again to be an industrialist there. Once you have the zeal, you can gain back the wealth.

The same situation occurred for the Sindhi community. They were rendered as homeless refugees in India after the partition. Today, the Sindhi's are governing and managing all the wealth, wherever they are. The same with the Kashmiri pundits; they were rendered homeless. Many of them who had the zeal to do business came to Bangalore, Mumbai, Chennai, and started something.

Success is an attitude, it is not a phenomenon.
When you agree to be bogged down, that is the sign of failure. Resist getting bogged down. Just like a candle. You light a candle and turn it upside down, the flame always goes up, and it never goes down. In the same way, if we can have the enthusiasm to say, 'I can make it, I can rebuild my business'; that is what I would consider a sign of success.

Often, people spend half
of their health to gain their
wealth. Then they spend
half their wealth, to gain
back their health. This is
not a sign of success. To
me, a sign of success is
confidence. Even if you
lose everything, if you
have confidence, then
you can recreate
everything again, and
that is success.

Sai Vilayatrai Scholarship Scheme For Professional Courses
Sai Vilayatrai Scholarship Scheme For Professional Courses
Sai Vilayatrai Charitable Trust, Mumbai a non profit & charitable organization grants educational scholarships every year of an amount ranging upto Rs 20,000 per year to meritorious students but needy students for studying professional courses. The Trust...
Medical Activities
Medical Activities
 FacilityCharges  1. General (OPD) Re. 1/-Only incl medicines & examination about 150 patients/day 2. Specialist Doctors   about 25 patients/day 2.1 Eye Specialist Rs. 20/- for 2 weeks 2.2 Skin Specialist Rs. 20/...
New Developments
New Developments
1. The Trust has already started construction of additional wing next to dadi's building for this purpose. Some of the existing Medical activities would then be moved to this wing. The construction of the third floor(top floor) is in progress. 2....
Educational Activities
Educational Activities
Scholarship for Professional courses SaiVilayatrai Charitable Trust, Mumbai a no profit charitable organization & grants educational scholarships every year of an amount ranging upto Rs 20,000/- per year per student; to meritorious but needy students...
Present Religious Activities
Present Religious Activities
1. SATSANG EVERY SUNDAY :7:45am to 10:00am.Starting with "OM" Dhuni,Satsang by Dadi Kamla on Geeta & other Epics Followed by Saijans life history & Bhajans. Breakfast served for everybody. 2. DIWALI MELA: For 3 days every year during diwali period....
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