Category: Message Of Week
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Driving a cab in New York city for a living, Kulwinder Singh embodies the great qualities of a noble spirit. This he attributes to walking the path shown by Baba Ishwar Singh ji our spiritual teacher and guide.

One day Kulwinder picked up a fare. The passenger was a smart looking young As is with most people who start achieving even a bit of material success they tend to become egoistic, often making them arrogant and critical of others. The young man looked at Kulwinder and his rather long beard and commented. "Are you a Sikh?"

After Kulwinder confirmed he believed in universal brotherhood and Sikhism was just an effective path he had discovered, the young man said "Mr. Singh, looks like you believe in God. You people are so simple, that any one can mislead you. Don't you know there is no such being as God?" The mainly one sided conversation went on for a while with the young man becoming increasingly  provocative in his utterances. Kulwinder being a man of God and who walked the path as guided by his Guru, did not get angry or upset. Had we not learnt that anger is a form of insanity which often leads to shame & regret?

Finally the young man impatient to show his triumph said, ' "Have you seen God? If He exists show Him to me."

Silence, a long pregnant pause followed. "You see you have nothing to show", said the young man. A wise person responds never reacts. Kulwinder gathered from their earlier conversation that the man drew a handsome salary as a technician of sorts working at a reputed company. He asked the passenger " Sir, can you tell me how many years did you have to study to acquire this knowledge that you possess?" The young man replied " I studied for nearly 20 years to be able to get this job and to be where I am today."

Kulwinder asked him "You mentioned that you are a scientist. Maybe you can assist me with something that has bothered me for a while.  I have always wondered where cheese comes from"  The young man laughed and said " That is easy, cheese comes from milk." Kulwinder appeared awestruck. " Really? I have to see this." At the next block Kulwinder pulled up in front of a grocers shop, ran in and quickly returned with a bottle of milk. He gave the bottle to the young man and said, "I have never seen cheese in the milk, which I buy everyday. Can you please show me?" The passenger broke into a guffaw, after a while he settled down and said "You really are a simpleton. You have to churn this milk and process it to get cheese, you can't see cheese just like that. It's not that simple."

Kulwinder broke into a smile and said, "My friend you have spent 20 years of hard work to acquire a bit of knowledge that allows you to do a small job in a very large organisation which permits you to merely exist and survive. Yet without putting in any effort to search for God you want to see him in 20 seconds? Have you ever asked yourself,  how much effort did it takes to build the universe and all that exists within it including millions of creatures? Make your honest effort and this I promise you will not need me to show you God."

The young man was stunned into silence. For the next 20 minutes he sat silently and deep in thought.When they arrived at the destination and after he paid the fare, he stretched out his hand to Kulwinder. Something fantastic and invaluable requiring no words was exchanged that moment between two of them as they shook hands. Then the young man walked away, slowly turning around and with glassy eyes waved a farewell.

If we want to find God then we too must make an effort. God is everywhere, He is omnipresent.  All we have to do is open ourselves and our heart to Him. We do not need to hunt for Him. We just need to meditate, be good and do good  He will find us. We often deceive others not sparing even ourselves. If we are sincere and stop play-acting, our efforts will make us worthy for God to find us. After all who would want to visit a home that is not welcoming?