Category: Message Of Week
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Every man creates a certain psychological security, unaware of the fact that his security is in prison. People are surrounded by all sorts of insecurities; hence the natural desire is to create protection. The protection becomes bigger as you become more alert to dangers you are living through. Protection is death as only those who are dead in their graves are totally protected. Nothing more is going to happen to them.

Do you want the security of their graveyard? Unknowingly that’s what everyone is trying to do.  By money, power, prestige, social conformity, by belonging to a herd -- religious, political, etc. You start creating as many barriers as possible between you and the fear. But those same barriers are going to prevent you from living. In the space between the cradle and the grave, why be afraid? Death is certain – and you don’t have anything to lose – as you came without anything. Your fears are just projections.

If you can avoid death, then naturally it would be perfectly right to create barriers between you and death. But you cannot avoid it; death is there, and once accepted you lose all fear -- & nothing can be done about it, then why be bothered? Soldiers going to the war field are trembling – who is going to return and who is not? But as they reach the war front, their fears disappear – they start fighting fearlessly. Once they know death can come any moment there is no purpose thinking about it.

Once the certainty, inescapability is accepted, rather than crying and complaining, and dragging yourself towards the grave; why not dance? Why not make the most of the time that you have between the cradle and the grave? Why not live every moment in totality such that if next moment does not come there is no complaint? Then you can die joyously since you have lived joyously.