Category: Message Of Week
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There is a story of a wise fool! A wise fool was sitting on a donkey, and the donkey was running. It went round and round the same streets many times. So someone asked this gentleman, 'I see you going up and down several times, where are you going?' He says, 'I don't know, ask the donkey!'

Most of the time, our lives are that way. We keep working and we keep on doing things without knowing - What is the Purpose! Without even enjoying all that this nature has provided us. See, when the mind is wandering like a monkey you can't find happiness anywhere in the world. When the mind is sweet, then you find sweetness everywhere.Meditation is about finding sweetness deep inside us. And when you find it, you know what to do? You want to share with others the deep love.

People ask me, 'What is your motivation? What do you get? Why are you running around to all these places around the world all the time?' The nature of joy is sharing.

There are two types of joy, one is the joy of grabbing & other of giving. As kids we were born with this tendency. If you leave a child here, it will go and grab this flower, grab this sheet, pull that chair, and hold on to things. It will hold on to anything, even a knife. Without knowing it is going to hurt its hand. But mothers are very clever, they will give the child something else to loosen the child's grip from the knife. Isn't that so? This is childish happiness.

There is another type joy that comes from giving. Many ladies here, when guests are coming home, or children are coming home, what do you do? You make many different types of food and decorate it and put it on the table. Your joy as a mother or as a host is in giving, isn't it!

Look at grandparents; they love to give gifts to the children, isn't it! There is a joy in giving, and this is a mature joy. We cannot live life by just having the joy of getting without understanding the joy in giving. Once you have a little taste of the joy that comes from giving, you will find that life is worth living, life is fulfilling. So, smile more!

You know a baby smiles 400 times a day, an adolescent 17 times and an adult rarely smiles. And if you become an officer or a politician, then forget about it. Your smile disappears.

If someone says, 'I am meditating', that means that they smile more; there is serenity, sensitivity, sensibility, and smile. This all put together is spirituality.