Category: Message Of Week
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Everybody wants to be happy and have a good life. The question is --- is having good comfortable life, contrary to spirituality? Dharma, artha, kama and moksha are four purusharthas or goals stated in Vedas.

People tend to remember 'artha' (wealth) and 'kama' (desires); and forget 'Dharma' (righteousness) and 'moksha' (salvation). But Dharma is the foremost principle – the foundation for the other three. Where there is Dharma there is no fear. Today lives of rich, successful & powerful people are riddled with apprehensions and fear - of being caught in some flagrant breach of ethics. Despite all the luxuries, they don't have peace of mind. Earning wealth righteously is the most critical for real success. Unrighteously acquired wealth is in fact a burden, vitiating karmic balance.

Kama too when based on Dharma is welcome as necessary aspect of human life. But we need to test our each desire on the touchstone of Dharma – will my desire harm someone? Will it demean another? A desire causing harm or hurt to another is to be abandoned as it will bring ruination to other & you. It is ironical that for few fleeting moments of pleasure sometimes, one barters away the whole life that has been painstakingly built. Everything comes crumbling down in a matter of seconds. Wealth lost can be regained but character lost is lost forever.

Sri Sathya Sai Baba had said, "Dharma is the foundation of welfare of society. Confronted by Dharma anyone however powerful will be cut to size. What is Dharma & what is not? That which does not inflict pain on you & on others; & that which gives you and others joy – is right, is Dharma." We have higher destiny than living only for the pleasure of our senses. Nourish the spirit too. It is the duty of everyone to go beyond the transient attractions & seek out the holistic balance to bring beauty & purpose to our lives.