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Stress is a disease of 21st Century. Stress affects work output causing failure and mother-in-law, boss or weather cause stress. Vedanta says nothing in world has power to disturb you except yourself. You may eliminate mother-in-law, change your job, your unrest will remain the same. Stress is an internal phenomenon. Hence the solution lies within.

Human beings have the ability of keeping the mind calm even in the turbulent situations by ‘attitude control’. Evaluate your immediate family members, colleagues and friends, their strengths and weaknesses. Then their faults will amuse and not irritate you. What disturbs the mind? Negativity & desires. The intellect helps withdraw mind from negative channels & think positively.

Mental turbulence is caused by unfulfilled desires. Krishna describes Desire as THE enemy, with different words. Yet we encourage desire. Unbridled desire causes havoc. When fulfilled it leads to greed. Achieve more & you get deluded by success. You envy those who have more than you and are arrogant towards who have less. If desire is blocked it leads to anger. The mind focuses on what you do not have causing tremendous agitation & suffering. Desire reduction gives comfort and elimination gives Bliss.

Fix a higher goal. As the mind is engaged in the higher pursuit, the lower desires drop. Work dedicatedly, wholeheartedly but detachedly. Then every action becomes perfect. You find happiness in the action itself and you grow spiritually and achieve BLISS.