Category: Message Of Week
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I met a 74 years old retired Pilot, who had been wearing same 4 shirts for last 8 years. I asked him why he doesn't buy more clothes and he said that they are in good condition. He said that I am happy because I can use for children in orphanage. I met another Chinese lady who donated all her income in charity after keeping little for herself. She said that I really do not need so much of money. I am probably earning so much because I must share.

I got a chance to sit with her for sometime. She said in her younger days she bought many clothes but many remained untouched for years. One day she saw a small child shivering in cold wearing no warmers & gave him her jacket which she had not worn for 4-5 years. He was very happy and since then his smile keeps warming her heart always. After that she said that now when she has crossed 65, she does not remember, how many dresses she had worn and how she looked in them. She remembers only those smiles which had touched her heart. I was listening to her and could feel her heart smiling which was making my heart smile too. I could feel the free flow of love in our hearts.

All our lives, we keep living with ego and this ego is so persistent that we do whatever we can to increase it. It needs constant feeding. In fact buying more than what we need also is a sign, where we want to prove that we have so much more. The truth is what we need is very little than what we actually accumulate. We need to be happy in what we have. If we are unhappy and lack the real content inside, we like to satisfy that need from outside. However, the truth is we would never be able to fill the gap from outside. We need to explore our true Self from inside and achieve lasting happiness. We all know we would die one day, which can be any day, yet exploring true Self is not our priority. One should not live with fear of death; however, think once, if it would be your last day, what would you like to do; would you go and buy a new dress or would you do your best to make others smile. You must have got your answer.

Now the big question is do we want to live with this fake life where we know we are doing what we should not be doing or do we want to live with the reality of love? This life is not about wearing expensive clothes or  jewellery, its about love. Its about how much love you have and how much love you are able to share with everyone else around you. You cannot touch anyone's life by wearing expensive clothes but you can definitely touch someone's life by creating love.