Category: Message Of Week
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Why are we running after one thing or another? Let me tell you that we are running away from ourselves, our inner being. Running after desires, pursuing possessions and acquisitions, and the relentless chase of things that we do not even know why we are chasing, all these move us from our center to our periphery. We will say, ‘We have no desires. We only have needs that we need to fulfill. We have commitments that we cannot ignore.’

There is a big difference between desire and need. How to differentiate between the two? Listen to what various spiritual masters have said.

Mahavira said that each being that takes birth in this world comes into this world with whatever is needed for its living already provided by the Universe. The Universe never denies, a basic need.

Ramana Maharishi says: This universe has enough to fulfill the needs of every single being who occupies it; however it cannot fulfill the wants of even one being. Yet, we want. Not only do we want, we are also in a hurry to get it. We are always comparing ourselves with our neighbours, colleagues, and friends. We grab everything – attention, time, energy, and still aren’t satisfied. It has become a deeply ingrained habit that we are no longer conscious of doing it. It’s not because we need it but because we want, out of greed, jealousy, and lust. We grab, horde, acquire, possess, out of our fear.

All that the world gives has to go. That is the fate of everyone. Nobody is spared of this.

-Paramahamsa Sri Nithyananda