Category: Message Of Week
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The MIND is a “wonderful servant”; but a TERRIBLE master.If one has become a Negative thinker, that means, he has not cared about his mind, and take steps to correct & train it to focus on good. Remember, we become what we keep thinking the day long.

Success outwardly means nothing , unless one achieves success ‘within’. There is a huge difference between ‘well-being’ and ‘being well-off’. The person with the richer inner life is the richest of all. People who feel superb about themselves produce superb results. Self-respect is fundamental for inner well-being (key to happiness).

Nothing can be more damaging , as to the knowledge, that one had a chance to manifest the gorgeous potential within; but one refused to accept the call.

The celebrated inventor, ”Thomas Edison”, is well known for his statement that “Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration”. While hard work is important for a life of real success and fulfilment, I think that being filled with a deep sense of inspiration & commitment to making a difference in the world is an even more important attribute.