Category: Message Of Week
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Many times in our life we perhaps have some kind of bad experience, big or small. One has two options, either to ignore it or react. The first option is a form of forgiveness while the other amounts to argument or sometimes revenge. Which is the better option??

First is better because it saves you from distraction, saves you from likelihood of more problems & is an instant solution. Reaction is emotional revenge and can worsen the problem, and is unlikely of a positive result.

If you are having a sad experience, don’t think of the other party who has probably wronged you, but think what is better for you. Anti-other thinking makes you descend to lower level, while pro-self thinking elevates you to higher plane of consciousness.

Some would argue that forgiveness does not always work, and that is better to adopt tit for tat policy. But this many times does not end the problem; it only leads to a chain reaction. Wouldn’t the policy of forgiveness only encourage others to take further dig at us? To assume so would be unfair.

Psychological studies show that every human being is born with two different faculties – the ego and the conscience. With vindication, the ego of the other party gets fanned, but with forgiveness, you activate the conscience of the other person, which has positive effect in these situations.

“To err is human”, everyone is bound to do something wrong at one time or the other. But in such situation revenge means compounding the mistake. But forgiveness means undoing wrong with right. Hence, “if to err is human, to forgive is divine”. For at the core aren’t we all divine beings?