Category: Message Of Week
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All human progress, all of the advancement in the world—ranging from the discovery of fire to the creation of personal computer—have come about by people who had the courage not to listen to the crowd, but do what they felt was right, regardless of the fact that it provoked uncertainty & fear within them.

Why postpone your greatness? There will never be a perfect time to live your dreams and step into the poetic possibilities your life was meant to be. So why not take the leap today.

You are what you think about day long. You are also what you say to yourself all day long. If you say you are old & tired this mantra will manifest in your external actions. If you say you are weak & lack confidence, this too will manifest in the roles you accept. But if you say you are energetic, dynamic, & confident, you will start accepting challenges & strive for higher achievements. Thus, Words have remarkable power.

To get the best from life, be in complete control of your mind and always be in present. Yet on most days our mind is in 10 different places at the same time. Rather than enjoying the walk to work, we wonder what the Boss will say to us when we get to the office or what will we have for lunch, or how our children will do at the test that day…? Our minds are like scampering puppies, or unchained monkeys, rushing from place to place without any pause & without proper reason.

But by developing the Present moment awareness and an abundance of mental focus, you will not only feel much calmer in life, you will also unlock the fullness of your mind’s potential. And that marks the beginning of the greatness.