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Charitable Activities

Sai Vilayatrai Charitable Trust, Mumbai a non profit & charitable organization grants educational

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Do you honestly want start taming your mind & be happy? If Yes, then there are 3 pre-requisites to keep mind under control:

First get started on the teachings of the Guru where you have faith. You need to have competent Guru (Kamil Mallah), to help you overcome roadblocks common on this way. Capable Masters say,” Learning to meditate without proper understanding of teachings is like trying to climb a tree with no hands”. A special motivation or Bodhichitta must be awakened within to begin spiritual practice.

Second the meditation cannot be done sporadically. It is not enough to meditate whenever convenient. Further it is worse if one stays calm in meditation, but remains volatile otherwise, throughout the day. One has to become so comfortable with meditation that it gets embedded in one’s system. It becomes something the person can do anywhere and everywhere and ultimately all the time. However, to reach that stage you have to calm the mind to reasonable level of steadiness, by leading simpler life, controlling desires/attachments, greed, etc.

Finally, be ever vigilant of the mind, its thoughts and emotions. In an average human mind, over 50,000 thoughts & emotions come & go every day. Just let them be, don’t engage them, especially the negative thoughts. Be an observer; they will go just as they have come. Don’t get disturbed. Look at the mind like an ocean & the rising and the falling of thoughts & emotions like waves. Is the ocean ever disturbed by the rise or fall of waves? Be like an old grandfather watching grandchild. He knows the pranks of the child, but doesn’t get disturbed. In fact is vigilant that the child shouldn’t harm himself. Thus we should observe the mind continuously, as it can slip away faster than we can realise.

We take so much trouble and spend money in gym to get physical fitness. But have we ever paid similar attention to fitness (calmness), of mind? People want strong bodies but are oblivious of the untamed mind. Hence the problem we see in the world. Ideally one must tone both to have peaceful and enjoyable life with true happiness.

Sai Vilayatrai Scholarship Scheme For Professional Courses
Sai Vilayatrai Scholarship Scheme For Professional Courses
Sai Vilayatrai Charitable Trust, Mumbai a non profit & charitable organization grants educational scholarships every year of an amount ranging upto Rs 20,000 per year to meritorious students but needy students for studying professional courses. The Trust...
Medical Activities
Medical Activities
 FacilityCharges  1. General (OPD) Re. 1/-Only incl medicines & examination about 150 patients/day 2. Specialist Doctors   about 25 patients/day 2.1 Eye Specialist Rs. 20/- for 2 weeks 2.2 Skin Specialist Rs. 20/...
New Developments
New Developments
1. The Trust has already started construction of additional wing next to dadi's building for this purpose. Some of the existing Medical activities would then be moved to this wing. The construction of the third floor(top floor) is in progress. 2....
Educational Activities
Educational Activities
Scholarship for Professional courses SaiVilayatrai Charitable Trust, Mumbai a no profit charitable organization & grants educational scholarships every year of an amount ranging upto Rs 20,000/- per year per student; to meritorious but needy students...
Present Religious Activities
Present Religious Activities
1. SATSANG EVERY SUNDAY :7:45am to 10:00am.Starting with "OM" Dhuni,Satsang by Dadi Kamla on Geeta & other Epics Followed by Saijans life history & Bhajans. Breakfast served for everybody. 2. DIWALI MELA: For 3 days every year during diwali period....
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