Category: Message Of Week
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“Ask and it shall be given; seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto ye. For everyone that asketh, findeth; and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened.”
Jesus Christ
To begin your spiritual path YOU must make the first move. You must get into the Kingdom. You will never get there without self-effort. Self-effort is the only thing that will take you to your goal. YOU have to seek, YOU have to find, and YOU have to knock.
In other words it doesn’t matter—HOW, but for God’s sake, DO IT. Go IN. Knock on the door. It is urgent, because you know not whether you will be able to do it later, whether you will be there and there IS NO OTHER WAY. If YOU don’t do it who will do it for you? Nobody. You have been given a mouth and a throat, with which to eat. Somebody can at best put the food in your mouth, but YOU still have to chew it and swallow.
“I am here,” HE says. “All you have to do is to make the effort… I am standing with My arms open. Please walk towards Me.”
But we are too busy. “I am too busy.” Those words are said day after day Busy doing what? Making dream castles? Acquiring temporary wealth? Building false pride? Faffing with the tinsel in the bazaar?
The words of Jesus are positive and definite. Do we doubt them? Then why do we not believe Him? Why do we not act on that regularly? Or is it that we do not want to give up the tinsel? We have got accustomed to the false comfort and fleeting happiness from the tinsel that makes us difficult to follow Jesus’ directions. It holds us from walking into Jesus’ arms, even knowing that it is only in His arms that we can get eternal happiness. Or else we have to accept to remain Unhappy, as the tinsel happiness is temporary, till someone else overtakes us in the tinsel town.
Hence, TRUST JESUS, please Knock on the Door and walk into His arms and keep knocking till it opens.