Category: Message Of Week
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Everybody wants to be in love. The only requirement is total engagement of the heart. Worldly love is something everyone experiences, but there are some blessed souls who experience Divine love; the extraordinary feeling of being in love with God.

The gopis of Brindavan revelled in their love of Krishna and achieved an exalted status. Saints like Kabir, Mirabai, Tukaram, Naamdev, Tyagaraja and others like them immortalised divine love in verse. In the Srimad Bhagavatam, Krishna states, "Many are the means described for the attainment of the highest goal...but of all I could name, verily love is the highest; what ineffable joy one finds through love of Me, the blissful Self! Once that joy is realised, all earthly pleasures fade into nothingness..."

In essence, love for the divine is about the basic attraction of the individual soul for the Supreme Soul and this is present in different degrees in everyone. Divine love is the simplest path to realise the goal and is available to all. It is easier than other paths like Raj yoga, Jnana yoga and Karma yoga, as the only qualification is sincere, pure love. When spiritual longing begins to manifest, God too makes His presence felt in subtle, mysterious ways. The longing for God’s love becomes a magnet which attracts and pulls us toward the divine. Divine romance between the bhakta and God is the most exalted expression of love. Worldly love has its limitations and changes with time but divine love is changeless and unconditional. However, though God loves us ceaselessly, He does play some games, too as part of His divine leela. After revealing Himself, He hides and wants the devotee to seek Him out. This happens with every lover of God, whether mystic, saint or layman. Thus, half the saga of divine love is the saga of longing.

This yearning for God is in itself a potent sadhana, which burns all the dross and attracts divine grace. The anguish of separation from the One you adore is the best sadhana. Be brisk in that sadhana; live in the love, longing and yearning for God, and see the miracle He creates just for you..We all need miracles in our life and what better way to experience this than by saturating our hearts with divine love for the Creator and all His creation.