Category: Message Of Week
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Welcome the New Year with a genuine smile. As you flip the calendar, keep flipping your mind as well. Don’t fill your Future dates with past events. Learn & unlearn from the past and move on. Everyone wants to be free of greed, hatred, jealousy and other imperfections. Negative emotions are due to past. Pl DO NOT let the past affect your present & future. If one does not forgive past the future will be miserable. For example Make up with someone you are not in good terms. Start the life afresh.

Whenever you are useful to people, merit will never be lost. Any good gesture or action will always will always benefit you. Consider everyone as your family. The spiritual dimension of life brings a great sense of belongingness, compassion and caring for everyone. Open your eyes and see how much you have been given. Focus on what you have rather than what you don’t have. The more grateful you are, the more will be given to you. This is what Jesus Christ meant when he said, “Those who have will be given more; those who don’t give , even what they have will be taken away from them."

The biggest reason for depression is the constant refrain of the mind that says, ”What about me?” If you think you are in bondage, you will remain bound. Will you experience Freedom only after death? With gratitude reach out and help those who are less endowed. One will get much contentment when one serves selflessly. Spend some time in meditation & satsang, which calms mind & makes inner self stronger to deal with challenges.

With calm mind there is no chatter, and so there is inner happiness, which results in peace of mind, love for all and so comes Prosperity.