Category: Message Of Week
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‘Rama there are four gatekeepers at the entrance of the realm of Freedom, Moksha

(God Realisation). They are: Self-control, the Spirit of Enquiry, Contentment and good company. O Rama, if you want to free yourself from the sorrow of samsara, receive the wholesome instruction of Sages like me and be free.’

In order to reach the Consciousness we have to begin at the beginning by cleansing our minds, taking stock of ourselves and our actions. We are too keen to rush onwards, ignoring the first steps, and then of course comes the dreadful fall.

What are your priorities? If you do not take time to enrich your life and prepare for higher experiences on the spiritual realms, you will fall.

Suppose you are not happy. Something is missing. Do not cry over it. Come out of it today by beginning to study the four gatekeepers, and putting them into constant practice in your lives.

We do a great deal of talking, but know nothing. Our talking is just a matter of opinions, mine against yours, but when Master talks it is from the depth of his being. He has been there. He speaks from inner knowing. This is the meaning of ‘wholesome instruction’ – it comes from those who have attained the wholeness of Being. Anyone can teach or preach, but the Truth can only come from a God-realised soul. It is said, “a poet writes poetry, but Buddha IS poetry”.

Many people have little stories (spiritual experiences), they feel they have attained and begin to give out seemingly wonderful instructions but it is all lip service. Let us instruct ourselves first by Self-analysis.